
The 12th February 2021
How are the shows going in Europe?
Even if concerts, plays or other unrestricted shows are not for tomorrow, some countries are setting up devices or scenarios to consider restarting the live performance activity while limiting the spread of the virus.
In Spain It's open! But reduced gauges, masks, temperature controls etc. Recommendations that do not seem to cool the public. These measures are costly but are bearing fruit: no cluster has been declared for six months. For concerts, the reopening is underway, tests are currently being organized. The first took place in Barcelona last December.
In Norway and in Sweden Everything is closed and on stand-by in the two northern countries: the summer of 2021 on the horizon already seems to be extinguished by the epidemic. The Norwegian government has released a fund of 34 million euros to help festivals during the summer period that will probably be unable to take place. In Sweden, the same atmosphere as in Norway, but the country is considering a plan B: a virtual vaccination passport solution is being studied. This online passport would allow access to summer festivals.
In Italy If, depending on the region, the bars and restaurants were able to reopen, this is not the case for concert halls or shows, always at a standstill. No reopening date was communicated.
In Germany, in Ireland and in UK The Germans are confined at least until March 7. All theaters are obviously closed, only schools will be able to reopen in some states in the coming days. As in Germany, the Irish and the English are confined: the concert halls and theaters are still closed and are not likely to open for the moment.

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